Ebook Profit Formula - How I Sold One Ebook, and Made $345,432 and $497 in Backend!
Do you
want to know how I make more than $3454,32 with an eBook that took me less
than one day to put together? The secret I am going to give you can make you this amount of money and even more in any niche, so make sure to take note, and then, take massive action because this formula works like crazy. 1. Find a profitable niche 2. Register in the biggest forums in the niche 3. Start the Interview process Once you have a few dozens of posts or so, you should start to see who are the experts in this forums. Just send them a pm and tell them that you are going to write a book and that they will be featured as experts. You just need five or six people and you will do ok. 4. Sell the book Next, put the answers into a pdf format, create a sales page, and start selling the ebook. |
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